Tendons passing through the wrist can become inflamed from the unnatural chemicals produced by fluke parasites in the liver. [...]
One variety of elbow pain is due to an inflamed tendon there; it is sometimes called “tennis elbow.” It [...]
Some shoulder pain is called bursitis and some is called arthritis. But it always derives from stuck gallstones in [...]
When there is a tightness or just a little pain at the middle of the chest, especially under the [...]
Pain over the heart region is usually quite real, even though an EKG does not find any abnormality. The [...]
Although lumps and cancer in the breast produce no pain, they sometimes do give you little warning twinges. These [...]
When bacteria have spread to the diaphragm and weakened it, along with the upperstomach valve, food is allowed to [...]
Often, such an ulcer is painless. You are, therefore, not alerted to the parasites’ presence until they have established [...]
Pain on the right side can come from problems at the ileocaecal valve or the appendix or the large [...]
Nausea of pregnancy is the scourge of expectant parents. After waiting hard and long for the desired pregnancy, the [...]