Cold, Flu and Fever
The Common Cold
Sometimes you can zap Adenovirus, the common cold virus, at 393 KHz for three minutes with a frequency generator and be rid of your cold, magically, in five minutes. But magic and luck are not really responsible for this. And most of the time the cold will reappear a few hours later. Homeopathy, too, can immediately banish your cold symptoms. The reason is not mysterious either. But, this time, the cold reappears later in a different location. Choose the right homeopathic remedy for that, and you can chase it away again.
Tapeworm Stage or Mites
The fascinating story of how we really “catch” a cold kept me spellbound for a year. I was hot on the heels of Adenovirus wherever it might be in my body. Sometimes I saw it; sometimes I didn’t. Sometimes I had cold symptoms; sometimes I didn’t. Sometimes I could zap it; sometimes it did not go.
It is now apparent to me that Adenovirus isn’t our (a human) virus at all! It belongs to other parasites. Parasites as varied as tapeworm stages and mites. Perhaps it belongs to many other parasites, as well. My evidence comes from a tapeworm stage, cysticercus of Diphyllobothrium erinacea, the mites Sarcoptes and Dermatophagoides, and our own colon bacteria, E. coli.
The tapeworm stage flies in the dust as eggs, you can trap these by setting out a pint jar with a little water in it. In three days’ time you are likely to find its frequency near 487 KHz in your jar. You are also likely to find it on your kitchen sponge, since you wipe up dust each day. To test it, place it on a plastic bag, wet it thoroughly and search from 510 KHz downward, one KHz at a time. The various tapeworm stages emit between 510 and 400 KHz.
If you have a household pet, you will always be able to find a tapeworm stage in your sponge or in a dust sample you collect from the table or kitchen counter in the morning. Gather dust with a damp bit of paper towel, put it in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands or you may accidentally eat some.
This, of course, happens to every household member. Eating the dust off the tables, inhaling the dust, and eating off surfaces wiped by the kitchen sponge happens to everyone. And everyone “catches” colds. If you search for Adenovirsu, though, in your dust sample, it isn’t there!
Similarly, you can search for the mites in your house dust. Search near the frequencies given for them. There is a good chance you will have one that is not given, because the list is so incomplete. Name it after yourself. Compare notes with others; maybe it is common, maybe it’s a rare one. Again, you will not find Adenovirus beeping its characteristic frequency out of your mite specimen. Why not? Possibly, it is too faint; it must multiply and create a loud chorus before you can hear it. But multiply it will, if given a chance, in you. You must, of course, first eat or inhale the dust.
Then the tape eggs hatch into the cysticercus stage, which promptly gets into the liver. Sometimes it gets to other organs, like the muscles, the spleen, the pancreas. Presumably the liver screened it out of the blood originally.
Soon you will zap them, wherever they are. If you are using a slide specimen of cysticercus you can locate it in your body. If you are only listening to its beeps, you can’t. If you can do both, you may be able to see which organ allows the virus to replicate after it emerges. Maybe only the respiratory organs do; maybe they start to replicate in the organ where they emerge, such as the liver and then get to the respiratory tract. This is a fascinating avenue I have not yet explored.
Mites are inhaled or swallowed or both, just as tapeworm eggs are. They are on your kitchen sponge, and in any food or dishes that stand uncovered anywhere in the home. Never drink water from a glass that has “stood out” all day. After finding one, you will notice it beeping in you for several days. Then the beep disappears; presumably the mite is dead.
The tapeworm stage beeps may disappear in a few days, too, presumably dead. Except in cases of disease. Muscles that are diseased will take in the newcomer and allow it to survive adding to the parasites and pollutants already there! Evidently the immune power of such diseased locations is way down.
On the day that the mite stops beeping, the day it dies, Adenovirus appears!
Not many Adenovirus at first. You will need to search several times during the day to find it in your white blood cells. (And you have no symptoms, yet, either!) Is it a coincidence that Adenovirus appeared directly after a tapeworm stage or mite died?
You can find out by waiting until a time when you have a tapeworm stage or mite and no Adenovirus. Then kill your tapeworm stage or mite by zapping for seven minutes. Within minutes after that, the beeping of the tapeworm stage or mite is gone and Adenovirus can be heard, loud and clear at 393 KHz! And minutes later you may feel a stuffy nose, a slight congestion developing, a certain head feeling that is different. You are “catching” a cold!
Will you really get this cold? Will it become a full blown cold of the usual kind? After seeing this happen dozens of times after killing a mite or tapeworm stage I concluded that Adenovirus really belongs to them; the virus is scuttling its dying host like people jumping off a sinking ship into the ocean. Our bodies are the ocean for them. They too, immediately swim and search for a hospitable island. Our respiratory tract is such an island; perhaps other organs, too.
Yes, this “baby cold” will develop into a full blown cold if, but only if, you have a mold in you!
Molds and Colds
This is part two of the cold story. You may have Adenoviruses quietly slipping into your blood stream and tissues from a tapeworm stage or mite you inhaled, or E. coli bacteria that strayed into your tissues, and which is being slowly killed by your immune system. Your immune system can keep up with them quite easily provided you don’t have a mold in you at the same time. The significance of the mold is that it lowers your immunity, specifically and generally.
Mold eluded, is health improved.
This has already been studied extensively for a number of food molds. There are a variety of ways that mold toxins lower immunity. Some simply kill white blood cells. Others seem to “bind and gag” them so they just can’t go about eating viruses.
So with mold toxins present, Adenovirus, fleeing the dead tapeworm stage, mite, or E. coli is not gobbled up. It has time to get to its favorite organ and enter the cells there. It may get in your lungs if they’re full of arsenic or formaldehyde, in your throat if it is full of mercury from your fillings, in your spinal cord if it is full of thallium. Sometimes you feel the viral attack, sometimes you don’t.
When E. coli is the source of your Adenovirus, a question pops up. Why don’t you have a perpetual cold, since these bacteria are always in your colon… and should be! As long as E. coli stays dutifully in your colon, no Adenovirus is seen. But as soon as any cross the colon wall to invade your body, your white blood cells pounce on them. After this, Adenovirus appears and again you are catching a cold. They may go to your internal organs where you don’t feel them.
One place you do feel an attack is in your respiratory tract: lungs, bronchi, sinuses, nose, Eustachian tubes, inner ear, eyes or head. And the size of the attack depends on whether you recently ate moldy food.
Human food (in general, in the US) is very, very moldy. We do not taste it because manufacturers have been using more and more flavorings in food. This covers up small amounts of mold or “off” flavor. Measures to reduce mold are not effective enough.
Bread is a good example. Calcium propionate is added to bread-stuff to inhibit molding. That’s fine. But then the bread is encased in plastic to hold in moisture and keep it “fresh”. The moisture acts to incubate mold spores and overwhelms the inhibitor. Vinegar is used instead of calcium propionate in some breads but, again, the plastic ruins its effectiveness.
Another good mold inhibitor is lime water. This is used in making tortillas. None of the old fashioned tortillas (made with just corn, water, lime) that I tested had any mold, even without propionate added! Other tortillas made of flour and calcium propionate frequently had molds.
Bread is such a staple we must correct its mold problem immediately. The two likely sources for the mold spores are: in the flour to begin with, or just flying about the bakery and landing on the newly baked loaves. Bread flour in the grocery store is quite free of mold spores, so maybe it is the bakery that needs to change. Perhaps it is not possible to bake 24 hours a day in the same building, year after year, without bits of flour and moisture accumulating in the millions of tiny cracks and crevices that all buildings have and germinating mold. Yet bread from the small neighborhood bakeries don’t have mold!
Only buy fresh bread not wrapped in plastic.
As soon as you feel a cold coming, ask yourself: what did you eat recently that might have been moldy? Cold cereal, hot cereal, bread, crackers, cookies, rice, other grains, fresh fruit, store bought fruit juice, nuts, syrups, pasta, honey? This takes up a large part of any person’s diet, even in a single meal. The answer is yes, no doubt you ate moldy food recently.
So you can’t catch a cold directly from some sneezy companion, or E. coli, or tapeworm stages, or mites. You have to eat moldy food first. This lowers your immunity, allowing any Adenovirus to invade your weakest tissues. If that happens to be your respiratory system, you get classic symptoms. (Those same “cold” symptoms can be caused by bacteria, for which I have preliminary evidence of arriving in a similar fashion.)
As fascinating as this whole story is, the bottom line is: how can you stop a cold, in record time?
The Cure
Remember, zapping does not kill your cells. So anything hiding in them will not be harmed by the electric current either. Viruses live inside your cells while they reproduce. You can only kill the outsiders: those stuck in your cell gateways. The rest will be killed by your own cells in time. Not much time. Five or six hours at most. Your cells do it with mucous secretion, inflammation and other unknown ways. So zapping is an imperfect solution.
Using a frequency generator to electrocute Adenovirus (393 KHz for three minutes) is not effective either because you are not killing the mites and tapeworm stages at the same time, and the Adenovirus are coming from them.
The best advice to stop a cold is to:
- <Eat sterile food for 24 hours. Follow the Mold Free Diet on page 365, “The Cure For All Diseases”. Do not eat one questionable item.
- vitamin C (10 grams or 2 tsp.), a B50 complex (2 tablets), and niacinamide (three 500mg tablets) to help detoxify the mycotoxins already in you. It will take five or six hours for your white blood cells to recover their ability to capture viruses, for the “gag” to wear off.
- <Zap for seven minutes, killing all viruses, tapeworm stages and mites together. Wait twenty minutes to let viruses and bacteria in the dead larger parasites emerge. Zap a second time for seven minutes to kill those viruses and bacteria. Wait twenty minutes to let any viruses infecting the killed bacteria emerge. Zap a third time for seven minutes to kill the last viruses.
- Now you need only wait for your tissues to decongest and stop making mucous, etc.
- Immediately start the Bowel Program in case yours is an E. coli cold. You can’t and wouldn’t want to, kill all the bacteria in your bowel. Zapping kills the escapees, though, to give a bit of relief, and the Bowel Program stops the invasive E. coli.
- Do additional zapping as time permits until the Bowel Program has stemmed the invasion.
In five or six hours your cold could be gone.
Of all these measures, stopping mold consumption is the most important. If you eat peanut butter now, your cold will return with a vengeance. If you eat cheese it will add Salmonella to your illness and you may develop a fever. Your own immune system is the most powerful cold killer, so stop handicapping it.
Test yourself for the presence of molds to see if you are accomplishing your goal. The various molds I have tested had these emitting frequencies: 77, 88, 126, 133, 177, 181, 188, 232, 242, 277, 288, 295 KHz.
In about five hours, some relief will be felt. The time it takes depends on how much mold you ate. But if you stop immediately and eat only perfectly safe food, your illness will be over in the shortest time. Shorter than merely zapping.
From the book “The Cure for all Diseases” Page 357.
The Flu
Influenza is a virus that can cause “the flu.” Does it belong to us as humans or to a larger parasite we are hosting? It is easily transmitted from person to person and in less than a year can spread across the planet. Some flu examples are Influenza A, B, C and Swine flu.
However, much that is called “flu” is actually caused by a bacterium, either Salmonella or Shigella. If someone in your family is “catching” a flu, test their saliva for the presence of dairy products, implicating the Salmonellas and Shigella. Also test for influenza A, B, and C. Children’s “flus”, especially when there is a fever, are usually due to Salmonellas. Even after zapping it can take an hour for the symptoms and fever to go away.
Go straight to the refrigerator and throw away all dairy products. Throw away all milk, cheesecakes, buttermilk, cream, butter, yogurt and cottage cheese, deli food and leftovers. You may wish to identify the food source of your family’s bacteria first, and save the uncontaminated food. Use the sick person as a subject, searching for foods that appear in her white blood cells (or search their saliva sample for the food offender). If the flu is “going around” your neighborhood, you might wish to tell some of your neighbors which foods you found were contaminated. They may have purchased the same food! Obviously, when a contaminated shipment of dairy products arrives in your grocery stores, quite a few people will be consuming it, setting the stage for a “bad flu” that “goes around”.
Why can some people eat contaminated food without getting sick? Maybe their stomach acid is strong enough to kill most of them. Maybe their bowel movements are frequent enough to expel them quickly. Maybe they haven’t been on frequent treatments with anti-strep antibiotics. The answer is not known yet. After a serious bout with Salmonellas or Shigellas the body does not completely clear itself of them. They stay in hiding somewhere. When a new batch of bacteria arrives, even though very sparse, as in 1 tbs. of milk, the two subtypes can hybridize and produce a much more vigorous offspring. This is called virulence. You are made much sicker by more virulent subtypes of bacteria. You may have diarrhea, vomiting, illness.
If your flu is due to an influenza virus, kill it with your zapper. Some family members may prefer to take a homeopathic flu “remedy” such as Oscillococcin (TM) or Flusolution (TM). Others may take herbs. These probably act by prying the viruses out of your cells’ gateways and channels so the white blood cells can easily devour them.
But flu due to Salmonella is not easily zapped away. Remember, the zapper Current does not penetrate the bowel contents, which is exactly where Salmonella lives! Besides zapping to clear them from your tissues. you must eliminate them front the bowel by using the Bowel program (page 546).
Lugol’s iodine solution (see Recipes) can quite quickly get rid of Salmonella throughout the body. Use 6 drops (small drops from air eyedropper) in 1/2 glass of water four times a day. If no more Salmonella is consumed, it will be vanquished in a day or two.
If your flu brings you a fever, use Lugol’s.
Fevers are there to help your body fight the invaders … up to a point. Don’t use a fever medication unless the body temperature goes over 102 degrees F, and then only enough to bring the fever down a bit.
Most fevers, especially “fevers of unknown origin” are due to Salmonellas and Shigellas. Your body may be young and strong enough to kill them but not strong enough to kill an everlasting supply of them coming from dairy foods you eat on a daily basis. Stop eating salads at restaurants immediately. Stop eating food made by others’ hands unless it is sterilized. Stop eating dairy foods until you have cooked them. Stop eating those that can’t be cooked.
From the book “The Cure for all Diseases” Page 201.
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