Fatigue, whether minor or extreme, is always associated with blood sugar disturbances. The more disturbance, the more fatigue. We have three organs that do most of the sugar regulating: our adrenals, the liver, and the islets in the pancreas. In severe fatigue, that keeps you partly bedridden, all three organs are heavily parasitized. Epstein Barre Virus (EBV) is running amok in your body, as a rule, even when clinical culture techniques cannot find it. With your frequency generator and Syncrometer you can find it emitting at 380 KHz. Killing the viruses is not as important as killing the larger parasites and getting your organs functioning for you again. The viruses will go away by themselves.
The liver’s role in blood sugar regulation is to get it out of storage when needed. When sheep liver flukes have taken up residence they’re spewing their chemicals as well as their own bacteria and viruses into your circulation; it is surprising that the liver has any sugar in reserve and can function at all. Sheep liver flukes are commonly seen in fatigue syndrome cases.
The adrenals (the outer layer called the cortex) help to regulate the blood sugar in a complex way. Some adrenal factors influence the thyroid which is another energy-related organ. Both adrenals and thyroid have toxic buildups in fatigue cases! Their work is hampered.
The heart of sugar regulation is in your pancreas in the tiny islands of cells that secrete insulin, called the islets of Langerhans. Here we always find the pancreatic fluke in residence. It actually breeds there when wood alcohol accumulates in it. Wood alcohol is a common pollutant of food, even in artificial sugar which is often recommended to replace real sugar and spare the pancreas.
There is wood alcohol in store-bought drinking water, fruit juice, powders meant to be stirred into beverages, even if they are health food varieties. It’s probably being used to clean tubes and hoses in the manufacturing plant. The only beverage you can safely buy (not safe unless you sterilize it, though) at a grocery store is milk. Make your own beverages using recipes in this book.
Your first step toward curing your fatigue syndrome is to kill the pancreatic fluke and all other living invaders of the pancreas, liver, adrenals and thyroid. Use a zapper. Drink milk or buttermilk for several days afterward to provide lactic acid for the “good” bacteria to feed and recover on.
Your second step is removing metal from your mouth, particularly gold. Gold from teeth and jewelry readily goes to the pancreas! Do everything in the Easy Lifestyle Improvements chapter.
Your energy can bounce back in a few weeks by attending your liver, adrenals and pancreas. Help these organs heal and grow strong again. Avoid food molds (read Moldy Food, page 381). The most powerful assistance to the liver is a cleanse. This will eliminate liver viruses such as EBV and Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Be patient. Do it on a schedule until you have over 2,000 stones out.
Take vitamin C at least 3 gm/day, to help both liver and adrenals. Take B2 and B6 to help adrenals and kidneys. Take glucose tolerance factor, chromium (two 200 mcg tablets
3x/day). See Sources for all of these. Take these supplements for three weeks, then cut the dose in half, and take on alternate days only, as a hedge against possible pollution in these.
Although your energy may be normal in three weeks, you are at higher risk for fatigue than the average person. Reinfection with anything will put the new parasites right back where the old ones were. Other bacteria, solvents and toxins will head for the pancreas, liver and adrenals again because these are weakened
organs. It could take two years to build your health to its previous level, but is well worth it to have youth, initiative, and a beautiful appearance again. Going back to school is a good use of your time when your initiative has returned but your physical strength is still not up to housework or a job. When your energy comes back to you, it is tempting to overwork: to clean the whole house or to get into some gardening.
It is better to be moderate today than in bed tomorrow.
Anyone who has suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or recurrent EBV has learned that lesson well.
June Timony, age 38, was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), EBV and Candida around 1½ years ago by her family doctor. She also had a thyroid problem and a high estrogen level (165 pg/ml). She had severe depression at times. Our test showed her body was full of bismuth (fragrance) and silver (tooth fillings) especially in the ovaries. She cleansed her kidneys and killed parasites but could not make up her mind to do the expensive dental work.
Janice Brown, age 21, had EBV with chronic fatigue and depression along with a dozen more symptoms. Her skin, kidneys, breasts, brain, ovaries and pancreas were all loaded with mercury, platinum and other metals. She was full of radon and bus exhaust and the plumbing was shedding cadmium. Rather than do all this she and
her husband decided to move. Before the moving date arrived she had cleansed kidneys, killed parasites and done dental work and was feeling noticeably better. Then they moved. She immediately was very fatigued again and worried that the move had been in vain. This time she had a liver full of Salmonella and a return of phosphate crystals in her kidneys. But it was easy to clear up and it was a very useful lesson to her to avoid unsterilized dairy
products. She was much more careful after this.
Dee Safian, age 36, came especially for her low energy. She had EBV once. It left her extremely nervous. We advised going off caffeine but not substituting for it by drinking decafs. Her tissues were full of arsenic from pesticide; her urinalysis showed kidney crystals and her eosinophil count was high 5.5% (parasites). She had sheep liver flukes and stages in her pancreas due to a buildup of wood alcohol there. In four months after killing parasites and doing a kidney cleanse she was much improved.
Josefina Linzer, age 32, came for her fatigue and depression. Her tissues were full of arsenic, PCBs, chromate (eye makeup), mercury, yttrium, radon and terbium. She needed tooth metal replacement
but could not schedule it immediately. She had Ascaris and pancreatic flukes in her pancreas and reacted to sugar in her diet quite strongly, so avoided it. She also had Strongyloides and Trichinella. She killed all these with a frequency generator and started on the kidney herbs. Her wood alcohol buildup was coming from carbonated beverages. She went off. In 6 weeks she had done everything except the mercury removal and was feeling much better.
Brigette Dawn, age 21, had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with EBV, along with other problems. She cleaned her home and cleansed kidneys, killed parasites, and did two liver cleanses. Still the fatigue
would return two days later. Meanwhile, though, her infertility problem got solved (she got pregnant) and this encouraged her to continue the battle against fatigue after the baby was born.
Hector Garcia, age 14, was getting gamma globulin injections every three weeks for his chronic fatigue syndrome. He had pancreatic flukes in his pancreas, sheep and human liver flukes in his liver
and intestinal fluke in his intestine. He had a buildup of benzene, propanol, and carbon tetrachloride as well as aflatoxin from his granola breakfasts. He also had Candida and measles in his white blood cells. He killed parasites with a frequency generator and went off the solvent polluted items in the propyl alcohol and benzene lists. He immediately (in 20 days) felt much better.
Dana Levi, age 16, had chronic fatigue syndrome and dizziness; he was not in school. He had pancreatic fluke in his pancreas, sheep, human and intestinal flukes in his liver! Both benzene and propyl alcohol were present in his immune system. As soon as the parasites were killed (with a frequency generator) and he changed a lot of his products, he felt better but soon lost his improvement.
At the next visit, our tests showed a buildup of vanadium (from burning candles in his bedroom). When he stopped this, he was better again for a while only to relapse again. His propyl alcohol level was up as was aflatoxin. But getting a taste of normal energy gave him the determination to get himself well! He embarked on a liver cleanse program and still more careful food selection.
Dennis Dillard, age 16, was beginning to do poorly at school due to fatigue. He had to stop athletics although his regular doctor pronounced him well. He was also getting chronic sinus infections. His lungs and trachea had accumulated seven heavy metals: vanadium, palladium, cerium, barium, tin, europium, beryllium. His fasting blood sugar was low (73 mg/DL) and LDH very low (90 u/L; it should have been 160). The body makes LDH in response to lactic acid levels.
When the muscles aren’t making much lactic acid from their normal metabolism, LDH levels will fall too. Was he developing a muscle disease? The gas leak was fixed (vanadium), the garage was sealed off from the house to eliminate barium and beryllium but the other toxic elements came from his dental retainer. As soon as his retainer came out, and they stopped using flea powder on their dog, his energy became normal and sinuses cleared up. A year later he still had not been ill.
Evelina Rojas, age 12, was having extreme fatigue with mood problems and sudden fevers. She killed Ascaris and sheep liver flukes with the parasite program but promptly got them back due to a benzene buildup I believe due to using products containing an herbal oil. Her high levels of Streptococcus pneumoniae (cause of fevers), Staphylococcus aureus and Nocardia could not be eliminated until her three baby teeth (with root canals) were pulled. After that, she was well.
Elaine Perkins, 48, came specifically for her low energy and nervousness. She was toxic with arsenic, a substance that replaces energy with nervous excitement and exhaustion. She also had a backlog of antimony (using baby oil), aluminum, rhenium (hair spray), benzalkonium (toothpaste) and radon. In four months, she
had the arsenic and three other toxins eliminated and already had more energy.
Neil Youngblood, 53, was so fatigued, he had to brace himself even while sitting. A blood thyroxin level (T4) of 1.0 instead of the normal 7.5 mcg/DL explained his fatigue. He had a mouthful of assorted dental metals which were accumulating in the thyroid, inviting viruses, particularly CMV, into it. He had to be on four grains of thyroid to feel near normal. After he had all his tooth metal removed, he only needed one grain to feel O.K. This encouraged him to clean up more of his body.
Scott Pennington, 50ish, was on thyroid medicine for his hyperthyroidism. He had been on iodine-radium earlier. He had the miracidia of the intestinal fluke, sheep liver fluke, and pancreatic fluke in his thyroid! Adult human liver flukes were also there! His thyroid was toxic with iridium, nickel, tellurium and mercury (metal tooth fillings) and decane, TC Ethylene and pentane solvents.
He had been drinking a great deal of regular tea, which let oxalate crystals deposit in his kidney and slow down the excretion of toxins. The parasites were killed with a frequency generator, he changed his diet to get rid of solvents. In two weeks he was feeling better, had more energy and better sleep. This encouraged him to do the dental work.