Dr. Hulda Clark’s View on Cancer Research
Based on conversations with her in 2008 and research she recommended

“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities.” -Albert Einstein

In every field, new pathways are typically forged by those who dare to think outside the box. The medical field is no exception. In medicine, practically every new idea, every new theory, every new method of healing has come not from mainstream medicine, but rather from outside the stifling confines of the monolithic medical establishment.

Pasteur’s idea, for example, that germs caused disease, met with serious opposition. In 1875 the body of medical opinion was entirely unwilling to concede that devastating diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis and smallpox could possibly be caused by microorganisms.

Penicillin was first discovered in 1896 by a 21 year-old French medical student named Ernest Duchesne. But because Duchesne was young and a student, his work was largely ignored and his landmark discovery was written off as a curiosity. It was not until 1928 that Penicillin was “rediscovered” by Scottish physician Alexander Fleming.

In 1847, while working in the maternity department of a Vienna hospital, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis proposed that physicians wash their hands after performing autopsies and before attending to pregnant women. His suggestion was rejected and ridiculed by the medical community. After 14 years of trying to gain acceptance of his ideas Dr. Semmelweis died insane in a mental institution.
Scores of other medical visionaries also went through hell for simply challenging the prevailing medical opinion of their day. These include William Harvey in the 17th Century for his theory of the circulation of blood, and in more recent years, Stanislaw Burzynski, Virginia Livingston-Wheeler and Harry Hoxsey, for their revolutionary approaches to cancer treatment.

Back in the 1930s, biologist John Bittner was studying a strain of mice in which breast cancer ran in the family. This suggested the cause was genetic – and yet if the pups were taken away from their mothers at birth and fostered by other females, they did not develop the disease. The answer, Bittner soon realized, was that something in the milk of the cancer-prone mice must be causing the tumors. Over the following years it was shown to be a virus, called the mouse mammary tumor virus or MMTV. Its discovery raised an obvious question: might a similar virus cause breast cancer in people, too?

Bittner’s theory was considered implausible, and was largely ignored. Yet today, after a 70-year lapse, evidence is rapidly mounting that the so-called human mammary tumor virus (HMTV, closely related to MMTV) actually causes breast cancer.

Particularly poignant and tragic, as well as especially pertinent to our discussion, is the story of Royal Raymond Rife. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant American interdisciplinary scientist born in 1888. He worked in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry and aviation. Royal Raymond Rife received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for his work.

If a required technology didn’t exist, Rife invented it. In 1920, financed by millionaire Henry Timken, Rife built the ingenious and incredibly complex Universal Microscope, which consisted of 5,682 parts. The Universal Microscope was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal size. With this extraordinary microscope, Rife became the first human being to actually see a living virus.

In the same year, 1920, Royal Raymond Rife identified what he suspected to be the human cancer virus. To prove his theory, he injected the newly discovered virus into lab animals, creating 400 tumors in succession from the same culture. He documented everything with film, photographs, and meticulous records. Rife named the cancer virus Cryptocidesprimordiales.

In his laboratory in San Diego, California, Rife evolved the revolutionary technique of using sound waves to destroy killer viruses. By increasing the intensity of a frequency that resonated naturally with that of the microbes, Rife increased their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency the mortal oscillatory rate. The mortal oscillatory rate, he discovered, effectively destroyed the virus and did no harm whatever to the surrounding tissues.

By experimenting with many different resonant frequencies, Rife discovered, over a period of time, frequencies that specifically destroyed herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, and a number of other deadly organisms. A seeming success story of the greatest magnitude, the story of a priceless discovery of enormous benefit to humanity. And yet, by 1939, nearly everyone in the medical profession had turned against Royal Raymond Rife, including most of the medical authorities who, in 1931, had attended a fête in Rife’s honor called “The End To All Diseases.” Rife was savagely attacked by the AMA and governmental agencies. His revolutionary cure for cancer was shut down before it became widely available. Rife’s laboratory was vandalized, his records stolen, his microscope damaged. Ultimately his research was ignored, discredited and suppressed.

The reason? Both pharmaceutical corporations and doctors stood to lose both their honor and millions if Rife’s method would prevail. The corporations would lose income from patented drugs and doctors would have to “begin anew their period of infancy and education or yield their patients and their livelihood to those better informed.” As quoted from Morris Fishbein, AMA’s “pro big pharma” corrupt editor of JAMA.14

  • Cancer: Public Enemy No. 1
    Despite intensive and expensive research, there has been no significant reduction in cancer deaths over the past 50 years. Cancer is as lethal as ever and may soon overtake heart disease as the biggest killer of Americans. 2
  • Metastasis is the Problem
    It is not localized tumors that kill people with cancer, but rather it is the process of metastasis—an incredible 90% of the time. Aggressive cells spread to the bones, liver, lungs, brain, or other vital areas, doing irreparable damage. Yet the tragic fact is that of nearly 8,900 NCI grant proposals awarded last year, 92% didn’t even mention the word metastasis. 3
  • Honest Researchers Toiling in a Skewed System
    The majority of researchers and people working in the pharmaceutical corporations honestly believe that they are doing the right thing. Unfortunately, they are working within the confines of a skewed and unresponsive system that they have unwittingly become accustomed to over the years.
  • A Dysfunctional Cancer Culture
    The so-called War on Cancer is being conducted by a dysfunctional cancer culture that pushes tens of thousands of physicians and scientists toward the goal of finding minuscule improvements in treatment rather than genuine breakthroughs. 4
  • No Shortage of Cash
    The National Cancer Institute’s budget for the year 2004 was a whopping $4.7 billion. Other agencies chipped in another $9.7 billion. The lion’s share ($6.0 billion) came, significantly, from the big drug companies. 5
  • The Pursuit of Knowledge
    In today’s world of cancer research, the quest for knowledge has become an end unto itself rather than the means to an end. Research has become increasingly narrow, so much so that physician-scientists who want to think systemically about cancer or the organism as a whole very often can’t get funding. 6
  • Narrow Focus, Fat Funding
    Grant money goes almost entirely to researchers who focus on very specific genetic or molecular mechanisms within the cancer cell or other tissue. The narrower the research niche the greater the rewards the researcher is likely to attain. 7
  • Mouse Models are Inadequate
    Homer Pearce, former head of cancer research and clinical investigation at Eli Lilly, allows that mouse models are “woefully inadequate” for determining whether a drug will work in humans. “If you look at the millions and millions and millions of mice that have been cured, and you compare that to the relative success, or lack thereof, that we’ve achieved in the treatment of metastatic disease clinically,” he says, “you realize that there just has to be something wrong with those models.” 8

This is not to say the scientists and researchers involved in cancer research are cynical opportunists. That would be far from the truth. The great majority of researchers are unquestionably sincere in their desire to help humanity. They are dedicated individuals who perceive themselves as being engaged in work that will be of benefit to their fellow man. But like most of us, these researchers and scientists have house payments and car payments, and children to put through college. And unfortunately, if they want to keep their jobs, they have to swim with the current. They are pawns in an ill-conceived system of useless treadmills, worn-out paths and bureaucratic wickets, a machine that funnels them, like rats in a maze, into sterile cubbyholes.

A perfect example is the case of a small molecule known as DCA that may offer hope of a cancer cure by repairing the damage that cancer cells cause to mitochondria, the components of cells that convert food into energy.

“DCA attacks a fundamental and unique property of cancer. It puts the mitochondria back in the normal condition, and because the mitochondria can control cell death, that also comes back into the picture,” says Dr. EvangelosMichelakis, a professor at the University of Alberta department of medicine.8

No less exciting than the fact that DCA seems so promising in fighting cancer is that the compound is incredibly cheap to produce. DCA is widely available at chemistry stores, in both liquid and powder form. It’s not patented, not owned by any drug company, and not likely to generate a huge profit. While this ultimately is a good thing, it’s also the reason why pharmaceutical companies have very little interest in funding further DCA research. Since DCA cannot be patented and drug companies don’t make money on non-patented treatments, Michelakis says, “industry is not particularly interested.”9

Under the present system funding for research on DCA and any nutrients (herbs, vitamins, amino acids, digestive enzymes and chemicals) that are not patentable is meager and must come from charities, universities and governments.

“We hope we can attract the interest of universities here in Canada and in the United States,” Dr. Michelakis says.

Here and there, other scientists and researchers are standing up and speaking their piece. Jean-Pierre Issa, who studies leukemia, is frustrated by the cancer community’s mindset. Still, he admits, the system’s lure is powerful. “You get a paper where you change one gene ever so slightly and you have a drastic effect of cancer in the mouse, and that paper gets published in Science or Nature, and in your best journals. That makes your reputation. Then you start getting grants based on that,” he says.11

“The incentives are not aligned with the goals,” says Leonard Zwelling, Issa’s colleague and vice president for research administration at M.D. Anderson. “If the goal is to cure cancer, you don’t incentivize people to have little publications.” 12

“It’s like a Greek tragedy,” observes Andy Grove, the chairman of Intel
and a prostate-cancer survivor, who for years has tried to shake this cultural mindset as a member of several cancer advisory groups. “Everybody plays his individual part to perfection, everybody does what’s right by his own life, and the total just doesn’t work.” 13

Within the next decade, cancer is likely to replace heart disease as the leading cause of U.S. deaths, according to forecasts by the NCI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cancer is responsible for more deaths than the next three causes (heart disease, accidents, and stroke) put together. It is also the leading disease killer of children.

Why aren’t we winning the war on cancer? It is because the cancer culture subscribes to a mentality that pushes physicians and scientists toward the goal of finding minuscule improvements in treatment rather than genuine breakthroughs, and rewards academic achievement and publication over all else. Generous grants, averaging $338,000 apiece in 2003, are awarded to researchers who focus on very specific genetic or molecular mechanisms within the cancer cell. The narrower the research niche, the greater the rewards for the researcher. The original goal, primary goal of all the research, that of curing cancer, is being overlooked.

Moreover, the mouse models used in research are unsuited for the task at hand. A mouse gene may be very similar to a human gene, but the rest of the mouse is very different. Because mice are expendable, they are treated with high doses of chemicals that would be toxic to a human. The findings, therefore, are largely irrelevant with regard to curing cancer in the human being.

The present system that will never deliver cancer cures no matter how hard well-meaning researchers try, and no matter how much money is spent. No one can ever find a cure for cancer by relying on the system we now use for cancer research. Here is why:

The system calls for the use of patented drugs only
It costs $800 millions in research to bring a cancer drug to market. The required level of research for cancer drugs is impossible to finance unless you have a patent on the drug. Consequently, even the most amazing herbal research does not stand a chance.

The system calls for a “magic bullet”
Since cancer is caused by many factors and each type of cancer is believed to have many variations (mutations) the cure may not be found in “one pill” but rather in a combination of several.

The system does not allow for research on humans
In their pursuit of developing a single “magic bullet” for cancer, pharmaceutical companies have to develop an extremely toxic chemical capable of killing the cancer. Unfortunately, they risk killing the patient also. For this reason, no research can be performed on humans.

The system calls for minimizing risk in research
Spending $800 million on research is risky business. Funding goes to projects that have a high probability of success, such as drugs that reduce tumor size. The companies therefore focus on reducing the tumor size (kills 10% of cancer victims), rather than stopping metastasis (kills 90% of cancer victims) because it is easier to show efficacy in shrinking tumors
The solution for cancer is to spend majority of all research grants on finding nutraceutical (foods having a medicinal effect on human health) cures for cancer. This research should be funded by NCI and the leading NGOs and made freely available to all.

Dr. Clark wanted the system changed in the following way:

  • Cancer research and treatment has to involve Health Researchers, such as Biologists, Physicists, Naturopathic Physicians, Herbalists, MDs and others.
  • Research has to involve a regimen of non-toxic nutraceuticals, diet and lifestyle changes. Not one “magic pill.”
  • Research has to be done directly on humans, not lab rats.
  • This research needs to be well financed with National Cancer Institute’s and other agencies’ money.
  • All relevant discoveries made on NCI’s money have to be patented by NCI and made freely available for use by any company and the public. Discoveries have to be made into Guidelines for Healthcare Professions.
  • FDA has to mandate all Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Researchers to use nutraceuticals to treat and research cancer, using NIC Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals.

Unfortunately the system will never change if there is no financial gain for the stakeholders in the existing system. Since change from within the system is extremely unlikely, other avenues must be pursued if change is to be effected. For example, If professionals across the spectrum (biologists, chemists, herbalists, doctors and others), in USA and in nations that support alternative cancer researchers (not penalize it), would take the lead and prove to the world the effectiveness of alternative medicine, the balance of power over cancer research would quite possibly change. It is imperative therefore that other nations take a leading role in cancer research since the US has neglected and corrupted the system to a degree that has resulted in unnecessary death and suffering for Americans and for people worldwide.

The US government has officially reported that cancer is decreasingly a problem in America. But California officials have revealed that the US Veterans Administration (VA) stopped reporting cancer cases to state registries in late 2004. These omissions significantly skew cancer statistics and allow unscrupulous politicians to report a “decline” in cancer rates.

Now we come to the case of Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark.
As we have seen, new frontiers are most often forged by researchers working outside the established order. Hulda Regehr Clark is just such a researcher. Throughout her career, Dr. Clark has displayed a dedication and steadfastness of purpose that resonates with the dedication of Royal Raymond Rife and the other great researchers who preceded her.

Early on, Dr. Clark began to question the prevailing medical model as a way to regain health. In 1979, she left government funded research to begin her own consulting practice. By 1981, she felt she had discovered the cause of disease. In 1993, after conducting exhaustive tests based on her findings she took an unprecedented step. She boldly challenged the authorities by publishing a book titled The Cure For All Cancers. Why bold? Because the word “cure” is reserved by law for the exclusive use of the medical community. Dr. Clark’s next book was bolder still. It was entitled: The Cure For All Diseases. Two succeeding books unabashedly featured the word “cure” in the title: The Cure For HIV and AIDS, and The Cure For All Advanced Cancers.
What had Dr. Hulda Clark discovered? She found that where there was cancer or any other diseases, there were also parasites present. Our bodies have been subjected to environmental pollutants and processed foods on a massive scale in recent decades. Dr. Clark’s books outline a comprehensive program for regaining health. She identifies common household products, vitamin supplements and mercury-based dental filling, as well as processed foods that weaken the body and thereby contribute to disease. She details comprehensive herbal programs that will help the body rid itself of parasites.
Like her courageous predecessors, Dr. Clark has had to endure repeated attacks by the US government and the medical establishment. Dr. Clark has been called, not without good reason, “the most persecuted doctor on the planet.” She has been hounded, arrested and maligned. Why? Because she is unabashedly concerned with cures, as her books, The Cure for All Cancers and The Cure for All Diseasesunequivocally indicate.

Dr. Clark favors a nutraceutical approach. Her “subjects” were human beings, not mice. They were patients who had benefited from her protocols. Instead of toxic chemicals Dr. Clark used natural herbs. Her approach addressed the cause of cancer, rather than treating symptoms. Nevertheless, her books are not intended as a critique of current classical management of cancer. She was fully aware that licensed oncologists must practice within the boundaries of conventional treatments. Her protocols do not exclude conventional treatments, but rather, Dr. Clark asserted, that the two can work hand in hand.
Dr. Clark’s protocol consists of a combination of methods, applied in an interrelated manner. The idea is to fully detoxify the body, so that the immune system can take over with full control.
Dr. Clark’s work is based in part on an audio oscillator circuit called the Syncrometer®, with which she determined the actual causes of cancer and other health conditions. Knowing the cause opens the door to prevention and treatment. Dr. Hulda Clark had treated over 2,000 cancer patients in the last 15 years. Her audio oscillator circuit techniques are unfortunately not easily learned, and funding is needed for perfecting this highly sophisticated skill. Those not familiar with the audio oscillator may dismiss it at face value, without getting proper training. As a point of interest, a similar type of oscillator is now being used in medical research by many naturopathic physicians and oncologists, notably Dr. John Holt.
Dr. Clark found that cancer is–not surprisingly–a complex mechanism, involving factors from environmental toxins to toxins produced in the human body by certain pathogens to parasites, fungi and bacteria.
Patients with a beginning cancer, with just a small tumor, less than the size of a marble, may be able to clear it up with the simple program given in Dr. Clark’s first book, The Cure for all Cancers. A major cleanup program follows: teeth, diet, home and body products are all thoroughly screened for substances that burden the immune system. After this cleansing program, the revitalized immune system is free to work its healing magic.
Dr. Hulda Clark was unique among authors with respect to the copyright notice that appears in her books. Dr. Clark stated unequivocally that anyone is free to copy the text of her books for any non-commercial purpose, including posting passages from the books on the Internet. The Internet, Dr. Clark believed, is a democratic vehicle for the broad dissemination of ideas, especially new or controversial ideas of any kind.
It was in this context that Dr. Hulda Clark coined the phrase “self-health,” by which she meant that the public, through education, can ultimately take care of its own health.
Dr. Clark had consistently encouraged people to take ownership of their health care, rather than relying exclusively on their doctors. As the saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself. How? Do your research, and then find a qualified herbalist or natural practitioner with experience in your particular condition. If you are on medications, look them up in the PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference, available online) and check for interactions (possible reactions with other drugs, food or herbs).
The high incidence of cancer in recent years is due to avoidable exposures to a multiplicity of environmental carcinogens. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute is engaged in largely irrelevant research, research that has little to do with the real-life problems faced by cancer patients. A rule of thumb is: the narrower the research niche, the greater the rewards. What this means at the end of the day is that cancer research is fundamentally flawed in its orientation.
A far better and more useful direction would be the stopping of metastases, which kill the great majority of cancer patients. Aggressive cells spread to the bones, liver, lungs, brain, or other vital areas, devouring and destroying. And yet Fortune magazine reports that, going back to 1972, less than 0.5 percent of study proposals focused primarily on metastases. Of nearly 8,900 grant proposals awarded in 2003, 92 percent didn’t even mention the word “metastasis.” The basic fact is that economics rules cancer therapy. What this dynamic precludes is any serious investigation of non-toxic, less toxic, natural, nutritional, or immunological approaches to cancer. These highly desirable protocols are square pegs trying to fit into round holes.
Orthodox doctors, however well-meaning and highly educated, have received little training in herbal medicine. For them, prescribing herbs is risky business because they would be ultimately obliged to refer the patient to an herbalist. When was the last time you heard of a doctor doing that? Doctors that have
learned nutritional therapies risk losing their medical license if they prescribe Nutraceuticals.
As Dr. Clark herself said:
“From time immemorial, healthy people have held sick people hostage. I believe hostage-holding of the sick is immoral, fundamentally unethical, and needs to be stopped.”

1. Fads and Quackery in Medicine, pp. 299-300. Quote reprinted in The Cancer Conspiracy – by Barry Lynes, pp. 26-27
2. Leaf, Clifton. Why We’re Losing the War on Cancer—and How to Win It. FORTUNE – Features March 22, 2004, page 2.
3. Ibid., page 3.
4. Ibid., page 20.
5. Ibid., page 6.
6. Idem.
7. Ibid., page 10.
8. Ibid., page 7.
9. SixWise.com. Why Wouldn’t Drug Companies be
Interested in this Likely Cancer Cure? http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/07/02/14/why_wouldnt_drug_companies_be_interested inthis_likely_cancer_cure.htm
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Leaf, Clifton. Op. cit., page 6.
13. Idem.
14. Ibid., page 3.