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Universal Allergies

If minor allergies are due to a disabled liver, then extreme allergies must be due to an extremely disabled liver. This is the case for persons suffering from “universal” allergies, namely “everything”, like the lacquer on floors, plastic chairs, the neighbor’s flowers, and the grocery store.

Sheep liver flukes (Universal Allergies)

They have more than merely clogged bile ducts. They have the sheep liver fluke living in the bile ducts! A tip-off to this situation is allergy to wool and wool fat (lanolin). A few flukes might not be noticed but a liver full of flukes that spill over into the intestine can give the worst case of allergy imaginable.

Sometimes the body manages to kill them with its own resources (maybe you ate something even too toxic for them!) They come through the bowel in a torrent. In the water of the toilet bowel they explode, spewing their infectious eggs all over in little black threads. Because these look like hairs, you may believe you passed “things with black hairy legs.” These are actually burst flukes with black strings of highly infectious eggs. Why some people are literally taken over by these flukes is unclear. Amongst sheep, only certain sheep will be severely
affected, being called “liver-rot.” The disease in animals has been extensively studied.

Kill flukes with a frequency generator (434-421 KHz) or zapper. Come to the aid of the liver by avoiding food molds, removing dental metals, stopping chronic Salmonella infection and finally cleaning the kidneys and liver.