By following her good advice, I got rid of a non-malignous breast lump

Reviewed By: Michele
Auckland, New Zealand
Book Name: The Cure for All Diseases

I read with great interest “The Cure for All Diseases” and Dr. Clark’s book about cancer as well. I am happy I did so. By following her good advice, I got rid of a non-malignous breast lump (often caused, she says, by a deposit of toxic metal: so I decided to take chelating aminos daily, and that lump disappeared in just 3 weeks). As well I built a simple Zapper (hand-zapper, as described in her book, made with just two copper pipes, two alligator cables, and 1 x 9V battery for pennies!), then (after noticing that a Zapping session at the onset of symptoms stops a cold straight away) an electronic Zapper. My husband (who was skeptical at first) and I have not had a cold in 2 years and a half. If a mild electric current can kill the Adenovirus, why not many other micro-organisms as well? Thank you, Dr. Clark! All people concerned about their health and wanting to be in charge must read your books.

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