13 Five out of Five Star Reviews on Amazon.
Total of 8 Reviews Received Dec 2011.
Publication Date: January 1, 2007
More advanced than standard technology, Dr. Clark uses Syncrometer® resonance to make astounding discoveries. They are all repeatable by anyone trained in this new science. Cancer is caused by a parasite linked to your DNA growth regulators by the alkylating agent, Methylene Blue.
This dye accidentally gets into your water from filters and bleaches used to sanitize the water. This starts the linkage to other well known carcinogens to build the cancer-complex. Learn to avoid and destroy the cancer-complex using herbs and other low-tech methods to bring a cure, not just a treatment, for our most dreaded disease. Use electricity to boost your immunity with zapping, plate-zapping and homeography, all explained in this book. As in her other books, Dr. Clark describes her results in a clear, easy-reading style and puts them all in the public domain for your benefit. It will touch your noblest instincts to read how you cure yourself, your pets, and even domestic animals of this disease.
Learn how to identify and remove what causes your cancer–your body will do the rest. No conflict with any physical treatment. Read how over 100 others recovered from all kinds of cancer. You can too! Step by step instructions. The startling new theory behind the cure. It doesn’t matter what kind of cancer you have or your prognosis! You will be well again!